Installation the Cert-Manager on Kubernetes
In the Kubernetes world, almost all application component communications require certificates (single or two-w…
Configure the Secret Engine on Vault Server UI
1. Creation of Kubernetes Auth Method for 1001-myapp project 1.1 Getting the kube-apiserver Service Example ec…
Vault Inject Secret to Application Pods
Solution 1: Deployment Vault Agent Injector see: https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/platform/k8s/helm/…
Install Vault Server on K8S with Helm in Production
Note: Currently, hashicorop recommend use vault-secret-operator, which has the same functions as vault-k8s. Co…
记一次 springboot+hive+log4j冲突导致CPU爆满问题
背景 为实现公司实时业务数据流处理微服务(springboot:2.7.13)高压缩比,集成了 apache orc:1.9.3 现象 在本地 IDEA 单测启动发现 @Test 方法死活不进入 分析 开始以为是构建问题…
如何配置 github action 自动构建发布到 maven central
完整生产案例参见: https://github.com/wl4g/rengine/tree/master/.github/workflows/run.yaml https://github.com/wl4g/infra…
升级到 eclipse-jee-2022-09-R-xxx(lombok-1.18.22) 后 ctrl+1 重命名快捷键不工作
升级到 eclipse-jee-2022-09-R-xxx(lombok-1.18.22) 后 ctrl+1 重命名快捷键不工作 背景 自从把 eclipse-jee-oxygen-3a-linux-gtk-x86_64…
arthas 之 attach kubernetes Pod 中 JVM 失败解决
arthas 之 attach kubernetes Pod 中 JVM 失败解决 Origin refer to: github.com/wl4g-k8s/docker-toolbox Origin refer to:…
eclipse/scala-ide 启动报错 NullPointerException at getResources(JFaceResources.java:209)
Eclipse / ScalaIDE 启动报错 NullPointerException at getResources(JFaceResources.java:209) 错误现象 查看启动日志 cat ./scala-…
记一次 HBase 慢查询排查与解决过程
记一次 HBase 慢查询排查与解决过程 最近HBase集群遇到过一次慢查询请求的问题,下面是对这一问题的具体描述及排查解决过程。 1. 发现问题 项目中有一张HBase表,每天凌晨以后会集中批量导入一批数据,导入数据量…