Installation the Cert-Manager on Kubernetes
In the Kubernetes world, almost all application component communications require certificates (single or two-w…
Configure the Secret Engine on Vault Server UI
1. Creation of Kubernetes Auth Method for 1001-myapp project 1.1 Getting the kube-apiserver Service Example ec…
Vault Inject Secret to Application Pods
Solution 1: Deployment Vault Agent Injector see: https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/platform/k8s/helm/…
Install Vault Server on K8S with Helm in Production
Note: Currently, hashicorop recommend use vault-secret-operator, which has the same functions as vault-k8s. Co…
arthas 之 attach kubernetes Pod 中 JVM 失败解决
arthas 之 attach kubernetes Pod 中 JVM 失败解决 Origin refer to: github.com/wl4g-k8s/docker-toolbox Origin refer to:…
基于 k3s + gitea + argocd + tekton 部署 GitOps
基于 k3s + gitea + argocd + tekton 部署 GitOps 部署方案拓扑 ①developers ↓ ↓ (git push) ↓ ②Gitea (/java-repo/springboot.g…
CentOS 7 升级 Linux kernel 5.x
CentOS 7 升级 Linux kernel 5.x 原文转载: https://aliatry.com/2022/01/08/CentOS-7-升级-Linux-内核/ (尊重版权) 关于 Linux 内核 Lin…
使用 pwru 追踪 linux kernel 网络包
官方仓库: github.com/cilium/pwru 1. 编译构建 git clone git@github.com:cilium/pwru.git cd pwru # 原生编译 make # 或构建 docker…
分布式追踪 Jaeger 部署
分布式追踪 Jaeger 部署 官方文档:jaegertracing.io/docs/1.34/deployment/ 1. all in one 模式部署(开发环境推荐) 若想手动编译玩一下的(可选,可方便测试支持的 …
新一代高性能 Full Connects VPN 服务 WireGuard 快速部署
新一代高性能 Full Connects VPN 服务 WireGuard 快速部署 相关文章1:使用 IPSec 异地 VPN 组网搭建过程 1. 简介 官方源码:github.com/WireGuard/wiregu…