新一代高性能 Full Connects VPN 服务 WireGuard 快速部署
新一代高性能 Full Connects VPN 服务 WireGuard 快速部署
- 相关文章1:使用 IPSec 异地 VPN 组网搭建过程
1. 简介
What is WireGuard?
普通的 Linux 用户到 Linux 创建者 Linus Torvalds,每个人都对 WireGuard 很感兴趣。-- Abhishek Prakash(作者)
WireGuard 是一个易于部署、高性能且安全的开源 VPN,它利用了最新的加密技术和 UDP 穿洞实现了全连接。目的是提供一种更快、更简单、更精简的通用 VPN,它可以轻松地在树莓派这类低端设备到高端服务器上部署。
像 IPsec 和 OpenVPN 等大多数其他解决方案是几十年前开发的。安全研究人员和内核开发人员 Jason Donenfeld 意识到它们速度慢且难以正确配置和管理,这让他创建了一个新的开源 VPN 协议和解决方案,它更加快速、安全、易于部署和管理。
WireGuard 最初是为 Linux 开发的,但现在可用于 Windows、macOS、BSD、iOS 和 Android。它仍在活跃开发中。 -
当然他并不是完美的,如加密或一些高速分段数据包只适合于大型数据中心,普通用户设备并不能体现出比 IPSec,OpenVPN等更好的优势。比如有人就有着不吹捧的看法:icloudnative.io/posts/why-not-wireguard/
2. 原理
使用简单的虚拟网络设备接口实现,以下描述摘自官方: wireguard.com/#simple-network-interface
WireGuard works by adding a network interface (or multiple), like
, calledwg0
, etc). This network interface can then be configured normally usingifconfig(8)
, with routes for it added and removed usingroute(8)
, and so on with all the ordinary networking utilities. The specific WireGuard aspects of the interface are configured using thewg(8)
tool. This interface acts as a tunnel interface. -
WireGuard associates tunnel IP addresses with public keys and remote endpoints. When the interface sends a packet to a peer, it does the following:
This packet is meant for
. Which peer is that? Let me look... Okay, it's for peer ABCDEFGH. (Or if it's not for any configured peer, drop the packet.) -
Encrypt entire IP packet using peer ABCDEFGH's public key.
What is the remote endpoint of peer ABCDEFGH? Let me look... Okay, the endpoint is UDP port
on host216.58.211.110
. -
Send encrypted bytes from step 2 over the Internet to
using UDP.
When the interface receives a packet, this happens:
I just got a packet from UDP port
on host98.139.183.24
. Let's decrypt it! -
It decrypted and authenticated properly for peer LMNOPQRS. Okay, let's remember that peer LMNOPQRS's most recent Internet endpoint is
using UDP. -
Once decrypted, the plain-text packet is from
. Is peer LMNOPQRS allowed to be sending us packets as192.168.43.89
? -
If so, accept the packet on the interface. If not, drop it.
Behind the scenes there is much happening to provide proper privacy, authenticity, and perfect forward secrecy, using state-of-the-art cryptography.
总结实现原理: 相当于先通过 DDNS 机制来发现被挡在 NAT 网关后面 LAN 网络的设备在出站数据包经过 NAT 设备的 mapping port 及公网 IP,然后对端 peer 直接发送 UDP 包到此公网 IP 及 mapping port,这样就实现了 Full Connects,并不像传统 IPSec/OpenVPN 等通过中心节点转发,从而支持大量设备高性能接入,因为数据包并不经过 Wg Server。
3. Deploy on Docker (测试推荐)
3.1 首先所有节点需安装 wg
注: 如果是 Linux 则 kernel 5.6 就内置了 wireguard module,当 kernel >= 5.6 则无需安装 wireguard module,只需安装 wireguard tools 即可。 (亲测发现如 ubuntu20.4 是 5.4 但已集成了 wireguard module 到 kernel)
官网安装参考(支持大多数操作系统): wireguard.com/install/
民间实战派安装参考: icloudnative.io/posts/wireguard-install/
大佬的一键安装脚本: https://teddysun.com/554.html
3.2 WG Server 部署 (netmaker server)
- 为了便于后续管理,本文将部署 github.com/gravitl/netmaker 来对 WireGuard 自动管理,参见: https://docs.netmaker.org/quick-start.html,以下示例以简化了部分配置 (如禁用 https):
#wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/gravitl/netmaker@master/compose/docker-compose.yml
mkdir -p /mnt/disk1/netmaker/data
mkdir -p /mnt/disk1/log/netmaker/
cat <<EOF>docker-compose.yml
version: "3.4"
container_name: netmaker
image: gravitl/netmaker:v0.9
#- /etc/netclient/config:/etc/netclient/config
- /usr/bin/wg:/usr/bin/wg
- dnsconfig:/root/config/dnsconfig
- /mnt/disk1/netmaker/data/:/root/data
restart: always
network_mode: host # 可选推荐(如果是在podman运行, 它默认是没有host网络的, 因此要么手动创建, 要么注释掉, 即使用 bridge 网络即可, 但需注意的是若使用 bridge 网络时, 当开启 client_mode=on 时注册的本机节点为 peer 其实是容器里面的接口, 并不是宿主机, 因此外部通过虚拟网络访问这台 peer 时就只能访问到此容器, 反之, 若您没有将 netmaker 节点注册为 peer 的需求则无影响)
- "9909:9909"
- "50056:50056"
- "51821-51830:51821-51830/udp"
GRPC_SSL: "off"
DNS_MODE: "on"
CLIENT_MODE: "on" ## 将当前 netmarker server 节点也注册为 peer 节点
API_PORT: "9909"
GRPC_PORT: "50056"
DATABASE: "sqlite"
container_name: netmaker-ui
- netmaker
image: gravitl/netmaker-ui:v0.9
- "netmaker:api"
- "30800:80"
restart: always
# network_mode: host
- netmaker
image: coredns/coredns
command: -conf /root/dnsconfig/Corefile
container_name: coredns
restart: always
network_mode: host
- dnsconfig:/root/dnsconfig
dnsconfig: {}
# 替换为您的实际值
export publicIp='your server public ip'
export intranetIp=$(ip route get 1 | sed -n 's/^.*src \([0-9.]*\) .*$/\1/p')
#export topDomain='your server top domain'
export masterKey=$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 30 ; echo '')
sed -i "s/SERVER_PUBLIC_IP/$publicIp/g" docker-compose.yml
sed -i "s/SERVER_INTRANET_IP/$intranetIp/g" docker-compose.yml
#sed -i "s/NETMAKER_BASE_DOMAIN/$topDomain/g" docker-compose.yml
#sed -i "s/REPLACE_MASTER_KEY/$masterKey/g" docker-compose.yml
## 若容器引擎是 docker
docker-compose up -d
## 若容器引擎是 containerd
nerdctl compose -f docker-compose.yml up
## 若容器引擎是 podman
#pip3 install podman-compose
podman-compose up --force-recreate -d
注: 其中
network_mode: host
为可选,如果是在podman运行, 它默认是没有host
网络的, 因此要么手动创建, 要么注释掉, 即使用bridge
网络即可, 但需注意的是若使用 bridge 网络时,当开启 client_mode=on 时注册的本机节点为 peer 其实是容器里面的接口,并不是宿主机, 因此外部通过虚拟网络访问这台 peer 时就只能访问到此容器,反之若您没有将 netmaker 节点注册为 peer 的需求则无影响。 -
然后访问 netmaker 控制台:
, 如果是云主机,请确保已放开安全组规则,30800,9909/tcp
(控制台前后端 dashboard/netmaker api port),50056/tcp
(如netclient join时会请求grpc port),51821-51830/udp
(之后接收 peers 心跳续约 udp 端口) -
更全面配置参见官方文档: docs.netmaker.org/quick-start.html
3.3 WG Peer Client 部署
- 这里使用 netclient 来简化 wg 配置
## 注意版本与 netmaker server 对应,否则可能有问题
> curl -OL 'https://github.com/gravitl/netmaker/releases/download/v0.9.0/netclient'
## 再在 netmaker dashboard 配置好网络及 AssessKey,根据提示复制 join 命令,如:
# > sudo ./netclient join -t eyJhcGljb25uc3RyaWxxxxxxxxxxxx
2022/06/18 12:45:24 [netclient] joining office-vpn at
2022/06/18 12:45:24 [netclient] node created on remote server...updating configs
2022/06/18 12:45:24 [netclient] retrieving peers
2022/06/18 12:45:24 [netclient] starting wireguard
2022/06/18 12:45:25 [netclient] joined my-office-vpn
- 查看 wg peers 连接状态
> sudo wg show
interface: nm-my-vpn
public key: VlccxyMYNkRV6jKFH6NFPQSK1UHfVrWdr6JX79AIgXA=
private key: (hidden)
listening port: 56849
peer: 18Ly39cptMQKgrBONMJ6zHh7516oLOqxxxxxxxxx
endpoint: 118.xx.xx.xx:51821
allowed ips:
latest handshake: 14 seconds ago
transfer: 3.79 KiB received, 1.25 KiB sent
persistent keepalive: every 20 seconds
peer: YZpCjADSAtauFmPhxGySpkF5Gxk4/Exxxxxxx
endpoint: 120.xx.xx.xx:40216
allowed ips:
latest handshake: 2 minutes, 13 seconds ago
transfer: 6.50 KiB received, 3.92 KiB sent
persistent keepalive: every 20 seconds
- 查看 wg peers 配置(可拷贝到 TunSafe / Wireguard Client Win 等客户端进行配置)
> sudo wg showconf nm-my-vpn
ListenPort = 33623
PrivateKey = 0Pl6x0r3NtfGIglISiN3XFlyV7rcRaek28OyzYDeaHo=
PublicKey = LVvCZ4FGPPtTjAqdzhThgGhc4DUmIGSwVe7UR8VxukU=
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = 118.xx.xx.xx:51821
PersistentKeepalive = 20
PublicKey = LVqimk87yJwZsu/7dle7rChj9rN1DHMNvluJSwkQeH8=
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = 120.xx.xx.xx:40216
PersistentKeepalive = 20
- 查看本地对应虚拟接口(就会看到一个叫 nm-my-vpn 的虚拟接口,即在 netmaker dashboard 上创建的网络名称)
> ip a
32: nm-my-vpn: <POINTOPOINT,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1280 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
inet scope global nm-my-vpn # 本机分配的是
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
- 验证虚拟网络
# 在一端内网的 peerA 机器,启动测试服务
> python3 -m http.server
# 然后在另一端内网的 peerB 机器请求此服务(其中 peerA 和 peerB 分别为相隔十万八千里的两个内网机器)
> curl -v # 对应 UDP 的打洞: 120.xx.xx.xx:40216 公网地址
原理就等价于几条设置虚拟接口的命令,具体可以从 WireGuard 官网给出的 demo 脚本中看出: wireguard.com/quickstart/ 所: git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-tools/plain/contrib/ncat-client-server/client.sh ,此地址可能被墙,为方便查看直接贴出内容如下:#!/bin/bash set -ex [[ $UID == 0 ]] || { echo "You must be root to run this."; exit 1; } exec 3<>/dev/tcp/demo.wireguard.com/42912 privatekey="$(wg genkey)" # 首先使用 wg tools 生成私钥 wg pubkey <<<"$privatekey" >&3 # 根据私钥生成公钥 IFS=: read -r status server_pubkey server_port internal_ip <&3 [[ $status == OK ]] ip link del dev wg0 2>/dev/null || true ip link add dev wg0 type wireguard ## 添加虚拟网络接口 wg0 wg set wg0 private-key <(echo "$privatekey") peer "$server_pubkey" allowed-ips endpoint "demo.wireguard.com:$server_port" persistent-keepalive 25 ## 配置虚拟网络接口 wg0 的密钥及 wg server 的endpoint 地址等. ip addr add "$internal_ip"/24 dev wg0 ## 给虚拟接口 wg0 分配虚拟网段 ip link set up dev wg0 ## 启动虚拟接口 wg0 if [ "$1" == "default-route" ]; then host="$(wg show wg0 endpoints | sed -n 's/.*\t\(.*\):.*/\1/p')" ip route add $(ip route get $host | sed '/ via [0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}/{s/^\(.* via [0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\).*/\1/}' | head -n 1) 2>/dev/null || true ip route add 0/1 dev wg0 ## 设置路由(引导需要连接此虚拟网络的流量) ip route add 128/1 dev wg0 fi
由官方 download.wireguard.com/windows-client/ 提供的 Windows 客户端(傻瓜式安装)。
由 TunSafe download 提供的 Windows 客户端(傻瓜式安装)。
4. Deploy on Kubernetes (生产推荐)
5. FAQ
5.1 使用 nerdctl run
启动 netmaker 容器时报错: failed to create shim: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:545: container init caused: Running hook #0:: error running hook: exit status 1, stdout: , stderr: time="2022-06-09T10:54:34+08:00" level=fatal msg="failed to call cni.Setup: plugin type="bridge" failed (add): incompatible CNI versions; config is "1.0.0", plugin supports ["0.1.0" "0.2.0" "0.3.0" "0.3.1" "0.4.0"]"
- 原因是因为 cni 配置的版本不被 cni 支持,请检查:
cat /etc/cni/net.d/nerdctl-wireguard_default.conflist
5.2 关于 WireGuard 在 Windows 上配置可能出现的错误及解决方案
- 执行 netclient.exe 时可能碰到的错误(注:应该在 PowerShell 中执行,否则在普通 cmd 运行可能报错找不到 wg.exe)
D:\download> .\netclient.exe join -t xxxxxxxxxxxx
2022/06/19 14:30:40 Gravitl Netclient on Windows started
2022/06/19 14:30:40 [netclient] joining sc-devvpn at 120.xx.xx.xx:50056
2022/06/19 14:30:41 [netclient] node created on remote server...updating configs
2022/06/19 14:30:41 [netclient] retrieving peers
2022/06/19 14:30:41 [netclient] starting wireguard
2022/06/19 14:30:41 [netclient] writing wg conf file to: C:\ProgramData\Netclient\nm-sc-devvpn.conf
2022/06/19 14:30:41 [netclient] waiting for interface...
2022/06/19 14:30:51 [netclient] error installing: could not create wg interface for nm-sc-devvpn
2022/06/19 14:30:51 [netclient] removed machine from sc-devvpn network on remote server
2022/06/19 14:30:51 error running command: wireguard.exe /uninstalltunnelservice nm-sc-devvpn
2022/06/19 14:30:51
2022/06/19 14:30:51 [netclient] unable to wipe local config
2022/06/19 14:30:51 [netclient] used backup file for network: sc-devvpn
2022/06/19 14:30:51 [netclient] error removing artifacts: open C:\ProgramData\Netclient\netconfig-sc-devvpn: The system cannot find the file specified.
2022/06/19 14:30:51 [netclient] error removing services: open C:\ProgramData\Netclient\netconfig-sc-devvpn: The system cannot find the file specified.
2022/06/19 14:30:51 open C:\ProgramData\Netclient\netconfig-sc-devvpn: The system cannot find the file specified.
PS D:\download>
D:\download> .\netclient.exe join -t xxxxxxxxxxxx
2022/06/19 14:26:19 Gravitl Netclient on Windows started
2022/06/19 14:26:19 [netclient] joining sc-devvpn at 120.xx.xx.xx:50056
2022/06/19 14:26:20 [netclient] node created on remote server...updating configs
2022/06/19 14:26:20 [netclient] retrieving peers
2022/06/19 14:26:20 [netclient] starting wireguard
2022/06/19 14:26:20 [netclient] writing wg conf file to: C:\ProgramData\Netclient\nm-sc-devvpn.conf
2022/06/19 14:26:20 [netclient] error writing wg conf file to C:\Program Files\WireGuard\Data\Configurations\nm-sc-devvpn.conf: open C:\Program Files\WireGuard\Data\Configurations\nm-sc-devvpn.conf: The system cannot find the path specified.
2022/06/19 14:26:20 [netclient] error installing: open C:\Program Files\WireGuard\Data\Configurations\nm-sc-devvpn.conf: The system cannot find the path specified.
2022/06/19 14:26:20 [netclient] removed machine from sc-devvpn network on remote server
2022/06/19 14:26:20 error running command: wireguard.exe /uninstalltunnelservice nm-sc-devvpn
2022/06/19 14:26:20
2022/06/19 14:26:20 [netclient] unable to wipe local config
2022/06/19 14:26:20 [netclient] used backup file for network: sc-devvpn
2022/06/19 14:26:20 [netclient] error removing artifacts: open C:\ProgramData\Netclient\netconfig-sc-devvpn: The system cannot find the file specified.
2022/06/19 14:26:20 [netclient] error removing services: open C:\ProgramData\Netclient\netcon
windows下netclient join会依赖 C:\Program Files\WireGuard\wg.exe 和 C:\Program Files\WireGuard\wireguard.exe
源码分析:https://github1s.com/gravitl/netmaker/blob/master/netclient/ncutils/netclientutils.go#L49-L50 -
但亲测发现,虽然会调用 wg.exe和wireguard.exe,但是不能且不需要显示启动 wireguard.exe,否则会产生冲突,且会执行 wireguard.exe /installtunnelservice "%s" 命令安装wireguard为系统服务,参考源码:
https://github1s.com/gravitl/netmaker/blob/master/netclient/wireguard/windows.go#L13-L14 -
总结: 通常应该安装 wireguard-amd64-0.5.3.msi 和 netclient.exe组合使用,本质上是 netclient.exe命令行调用 wireguard.exe等,但切记不可同时启动否则会冲突导致无法全连接到peers。(netclient的作用是可以动态发现,反之如果仅配置wireguard.exe则不能动态发现每个 peers 的 NAT 映射端口配置信息。
如果使用 wireguard-amd64.msi 和 netclient.exe,则无需安装 TunSafe-Tap,另外关于使用 TunSafe作为Windows客户端的方案,目前未找到修改连接到 TunSafe server 的入口,因为墙内连接不上,因此不考虑。
- 如果提升 joined 成功了,但依然连接不上,可尝试重新执行多尝试几次即可
## 1.先停止 peers 连接
./netclient.exe leave -n sc-devvpn
## 2.卸载 netclient
./netclient.exe uninstall
## 3.重新加入 peers 组
./netclient.exe join -t xxxxxx